
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Treasures too good for Johnny Depp

 Leaving one home and going back to another can cause someone ( don't assume me- or you can that's more accurate than thinking it is someone else) to feel sadness. What does said someone do when she is sad? She busies herself with projects that create more projects and then I am not sad anymore. Genius. 

This project started at the goodwill. No shame. I will not apologize for going to the goodwill 4 times in a week. I will not apologize for going to 3 goodwills 4 times a week. 
Well actually I believe this project started with a wall fountain. Yes, a fountain that led me to the goodwill. 

The "project" I am referring to would be the complete changing of the blue room. I never could click with the blue room. I didn't know what to do with her. She did a great job at hiding my junk and served me well for making me look like I don't have clutter.  Lies. 
Here are some pictures of her before:

That door goes into the hall of the dorm. Useless to me. Just pretend it is not there.

So sad looking. So lifeless. Those ikea mirrors need to go. I need to part with them. Do you want them? 

I love coral. I still couldn't make it work. 
It took a while but I realized it doesn't work because I am a shabby girl. Coral and blue? Ain't shabby- beautiful but not shabby. 
Also- I live in cinderblocks- you can also call it a bomb shelter. Have you ever tried to paint cinder blocks? - insert cuss words here.  
I had an idea about what color to paint the room based on a color that was used in other rooms in my house. So over 2 weeks of Christmas break I bought everything shabby that I could that would highlight the new color to be. 

This is a terrible picture of the color and of the inspirational wall fountain but retaking pictures is out of the question- I will not get out of my recliner. However, this picture is the beginning of everything good in the new blue room. I can't help the name of the room. It will forever still be the blue room. 
I did not buy the fountain at the goodwill- however almost everything else in this room came from there. Or my attic. The fountain and a piece later to come came from the cutest boutique called Bougique. Check it out. Great prices. Great treasures. 
I wanted everything to scream shabby and maybe make someone that likes clean lines to feel uncomfortable with all the patterns. 

I think I accomplished that. And I love it. The pictures above the bed are from goodwill. I have dreams that they will take me places. That they will pay my student loans. That they will take me to Seaworld and let me dine with Shamu all day ( I don't care about Blackfish. You can not change my mind. I will forever love Seaworld- judging inserted here). 
The photos are prints by Degas. Are they worth anything? Probably not. But the thought of them being worth something and the beauty of the old frames made them worth the $8.25.  The shelves still need little gems on them- I will get there. The room is still young.

Are you stressed by all the prints yet? Good. This mirror began as a brown heavy piece of mess. I used cream spray paint on the outside and looking glass spray paint on the inside and changed this baby. 
On a side note- the sweet man that helped me hang this asked me if I wanted to clean it before he hung it for me. I told him I made it dirty on purpose. Bless him. And bless all the Maintaince men that help me drill into the cinderblocks- it is much harder than one would think.

This table cost all of five dollars and I love it. I just painted it a cute blue and it made itself at home. It also holds some of my favorite things- a beautiful basin from Bougique, the hunger games(I will finish it soon for the love of Gail), and bossy paints- no explanation needed for Tina. 

This nook is a work in progress. Like the rest of my life. Give me time to work on it and then I will allow you to come over and sit in this little chair and read your favorite book while drinking tea. Some of my favorite things on this shelf? My moms flute from her youth, frames with special messages from my dad, and decorations from their wedding. Bam. 
Also, worth pointing out are the flowers in the white holder on the wall. I went to walmart to buy flowers for it- dumb. Did I doubt myself? No. I just wanted instant gratification. Be patient grasshopper. I was brought back to reality when I realized the cost of flowers from Walmart. I will not do it. I will not. Then a day later while thrifting I found these. Well I found them in their original form- as gravestone flowers. Rest in peace. 
Side story- as I was taking them apart in the tub ( thanks to Kate for that advice) a spider came out of them. A spider the size of a quarter with hairy legs. I screamed. I jumped. I drowned it.

This is my new favorite place to sit in my home. The dresser has been kept wood where it will be for all eternity. It is stunning and was $10. On it has books that were spray painted gold and my current life changing read- Not a Fan. Read it. Also a picture of me and my dad on a roller coaster sits here. That picture did not come from the goodwill. 

Side story- that happened. A picture of me was found at the goodwill-not from a frame that came from my house. An old friend took a picture of it. It said I was worth $3.25.  Lesson to learn? Don't leave your pictures in things that you are sending to the Goodwill. Especially if they have other people in them.

This is the end of the new updates. Do you recognize this? Refer to previous post. Woah. She is a beaut. She also holds special things. One being the doll house my pawpaw built for me on my first birthday. The doll house has been home to many dolls and beanie babies. It now deserves to be given a special place for all to love. The second is a poem my dad wrote for me my freshman year of college. Finally a picture of me and Pig with my first love, Santa. 
This is where you can sing like Julie Andrews, "these are a few of my favorite things."