Saturday, March 1, 2014

All she needed was some TCL

Most would say TLC. But in this case due to a quick mis arrangement of letters we will say TCL. 

This is a special piece. Most of the time I find the unloved, unwanted, rejected. (Suck in your insecurities here. Push them down. That's the healthiest thing- I'm positive). However, I feel differently about this piece. I feel that it has been well loved. I am positive it has a story. 
It came from a thrift store and was a mere $30. I wish you could feel the grains of the wood. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.  
My goal in flipping furniture is to let each piece reach its full potential. Sometimes reaching its potential means doing very little and looking beautiful. 
This is how I feel about make up. That may be laziness. I just want to snuggle in my bed. I don't care that my face looks busted. The kids love me anyways- they just don't know any better. Why give unrealistic expectations? I will not be a part of that. 
Here is how the piece came home

Simply beautiful. I have worked my hardest to not get attached because this piece is not staying with me. She is going to be the star of a new home. A new home that I have the privilege of helping decorate. 
Here is a picture of the wood burned signature...

Do you know this signature? If you do I want you to tell me about it. I need to know. Also, look at the drawer liner.
Again, not getting attached. 

Who am I kidding? Not get attached? I am attached to many things. What could a person be attached to? Dr. Pepper, my mother, my Rubbie (no, I am not ashamed that I still sleep with a blanket. After this is posted I might be. However, that will not stop me from sleeping in peace). 
I am attached. However, when you love something, sometimes you need to let it go.  
All this piece needed was some new hardware (Martha Stewart from  Home Depot) and some goo-be-gone. Now it has finally reached its full potential. 
Side note- I watch awesome tv shows while flipping furniture and this flip was no exception. I want to be Tammy Taylor when I grow up. 


  1. Oh Kristin! I feel you there! I'm longing for that piece now, too! On moving day, if a Silver Durango comes screeching up behind you and tosses this into the back of it, just know that was me. I will give it a good home. lol (See the power of suggestion? Now you have me obsessing over this piece. I won't be able to stop thinking of it.)

    1. Oh, the new hardware? Spot-on! Looks like it was always on there. Well done!
