Sunday, November 24, 2013

My furniture's feelings

Empathy. It kills me. If you cry chances are I am too. You feel angry? Breaks my heart- or makes me angry too. 
Some could say I make connections that are not the most appropriate. Example "I feel that I want to run a marathon" my response- we can do it!!!    
20 minutes later I realize that I will not be running a marathon but for the love of her excitement I just got into a bad place. I can't help it. I feel to many feelings. 
Independence (I can only spell that because of the song)?? What is that? I don't want it. I don't need it. I want to do everything together.   
Now. Feel what I feel. Try it. See this ugly chunky mess? 
Do you see ugly? No way!! Holy Hannah! Jack pot! This beauty was only $40! 
I felt bad for this baby. I had to take it home. It needed me. It needed to be a "we." 
All she needed was some primer and La Fonda Mirage ( judge me- I chose it for the name). Say it. You would choose it too! I only did one coat. I was skeptical of one. Did it. And I would do it again. Decisions. Make them. Feel good and make them again. Unless you want to change them. 
The worst thing to make decisions about? Food .... Conversations that happen to everyone- where do you want to eat? I don't care. Where do you want to eat? - first world probs. 

I no longer feel bad for this piece of love. She is strong she is independent ( singing song) she needs me- I'm stretching it. She is beautiful. 
She needed accessories and I haven't necessarily committed to what is there but I'm liking it. 
She is happy. I am happy. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

What does a dollar get you anyways?

Here is the story. A perfect Saturday is waking up at the crack of dawn- I mean 8 a.m. And sending a little text to Rhonda  saying "meet us in 10." I then am not going to tell you that I spend the next 10 minutes laying in the bed with my mom. I am not 8 years old and I will not admit that information- I will not. 

We then search and stalk the surrounding neighborhoods judging other peoples crap and hording all the hidden gems. 

I do not take this time for granted. 

These two finds were found for a buck each. Come on- you can't even get a pack of gum for that. How do you expect me to leave FURNITURE for a buck?! You  believe in me to much of you think I can do that. I have no self control- especially if you put dips in front of me. Dips filled with cream cheese, sour cream, or mayo. Maybe, just maybe, this furniture will hold dips. 
Ok so here is the before
And I just want to use what I have so it was pre destined to be cream ( Jefferson white to be exact-I like to feel historic) and distressed.

This little cheese holder seemed silly to me. Why would I need to keep cheese under there. I just need to take that little string cheese out of the chemical infested   package and pull away. However, it was a buck so I could not say no. I have no self control. 
Here is the silly cheese holder before.
All I did with this little thing was prime it and paint it blue- blue because I had it. Then I thought it would be a perfect holder for the knobs that I had sitting in a bag. - I just can't leave a good knob siting in a thrift store. 

Here is the final product. Now come to my house and share in some dip with me. 
I wish I could take better pictures. Sorry. Also this needs more jujg- I will pronounce it for you if you ask. I will get on it immediately.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The beginnings

Friends, after much consideration, I have decided to enter the world of blogging. I want to show the world my lack of grammar knowledge, my horrible spelling habits and my outrageous thoughts that I think of while flipping my goodwill finds.

Some do their best thinking while on the toilet ( I just prefer candy crush) , some  do it while driving ( I prefer to  sing breakup songs that should not apply to this girl but make me sing like an angry emotional  idiot) . I think my best thinking is done while  turning something dark and gloomy into something  that I'm sure I do not need but feel drawn to.

I have realized that this connection that I feel to this furniture has create a little problem.  See below...

This is my laundry room. That chair- came off the side of the road in Nagshead . - thankful my dad will stop the car to support my obsession (although. I refuse to see a problem- don't  mention it again) .  That washing machine needs to be replaced ( taking donations at all times).  Need a glue stink? I got 200.-- I digress .

For the projects I have already done I ony have two photos- a before and an after. But really who wants to see the in between of my cracked dry hands and my fingernails that have  been bitten for 25 years. You can not change me. Don't even try. Well shellack has changed me sometimes, but only for 2 weeks then I peel it off and bite away.

Get with the picture.  I  will share the fun and I hope you will enjoy my exciting finds.