Saturday, November 16, 2013

What does a dollar get you anyways?

Here is the story. A perfect Saturday is waking up at the crack of dawn- I mean 8 a.m. And sending a little text to Rhonda  saying "meet us in 10." I then am not going to tell you that I spend the next 10 minutes laying in the bed with my mom. I am not 8 years old and I will not admit that information- I will not. 

We then search and stalk the surrounding neighborhoods judging other peoples crap and hording all the hidden gems. 

I do not take this time for granted. 

These two finds were found for a buck each. Come on- you can't even get a pack of gum for that. How do you expect me to leave FURNITURE for a buck?! You  believe in me to much of you think I can do that. I have no self control- especially if you put dips in front of me. Dips filled with cream cheese, sour cream, or mayo. Maybe, just maybe, this furniture will hold dips. 
Ok so here is the before
And I just want to use what I have so it was pre destined to be cream ( Jefferson white to be exact-I like to feel historic) and distressed.

This little cheese holder seemed silly to me. Why would I need to keep cheese under there. I just need to take that little string cheese out of the chemical infested   package and pull away. However, it was a buck so I could not say no. I have no self control. 
Here is the silly cheese holder before.
All I did with this little thing was prime it and paint it blue- blue because I had it. Then I thought it would be a perfect holder for the knobs that I had sitting in a bag. - I just can't leave a good knob siting in a thrift store. 

Here is the final product. Now come to my house and share in some dip with me. 
I wish I could take better pictures. Sorry. Also this needs more jujg- I will pronounce it for you if you ask. I will get on it immediately.


  1. I think you got something here! And you made me laugh out loud at your comments! And I know what jujg is!! I think it's time to let the rest of the world in on jujg and your one dollar upgrades!! Keep on blogging....

  2. Love your cheese plate-in fact, rescued one from my aunt's house. Now I'm using it as a cloche with a pretty spring vignette under it.
    Beth D
    PS Love your blog name-I too started my young adult life with mostly Goodwill finds. Thirty years later, some of them remain-but I've gotten more sophisticated in my second hand finds-Baker furniture, Stiffel lamps, Chanel skirts, Coach handbags. etc.
